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The Official Website of the Southeastern Conference

Box Score - Mar 31, 2023

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Auburn, Alabama

Ole Miss0010010220
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Batting Lineup
T. Whitley, LF301000.280
M. Allee, SS200010.325
T. Malvin, PR
J. Lassiter, CF200010.280
M. Stevenson, DP300003.286
S. Sikes, 3B300000.235
A. Furbush, RP300002.260
P. Smith, 1B311102.198
K. Kamoku, 2B300002.264
J. Mackay, C100000.303
T. Grisham, PR
L. Brady, C
Batting Lineup
N. Peralta, SS302001.411
R. Roach, PR
C. McCondichie, 2B300001.373
L. Garcia, LF300001.342
I. Tresvik, LF
K. McCrary, DP200010.283
K. Cooper, PR
A. Lisenby, DP211210.235
A. Smith, RF
B. Ellis, 1B212110.403
S. Elkins, PR
D. Bryant, 3B322200.303
A. Godwin, C311202.289
M. Packer, CF200000.455
J. Blaine, PH
M. Kliethermes1.124422283.93
A. Furbush (L)1.033300282.02
G. Sparks3.2311130163.25
M. Penta (W)7.0221291260.77
Play By Play
Ole Miss - Top Of 1st
T. Whitley grounded out to p (1-1 BK).
M. Allee grounded out to 2b (2-2 KBBS).
J. Lassiter grounded out to ss (1-1 SB).
Auburn - Bottom Of 1st
N. Peralta hit by pitch (0-0).
McCondichie hit by pitch (2-1 BBK); N. Peralta advanced to second.
L. Garcia flied out to lf (3-2 FFBFFBB).
K. McCrary lined out to ss (0-1 F).
A. Lisenby reached on a fielder's choice (2-1 FBB); McCondichie advanced to second; N. Peralta out at third 3b unassisted.
Ole Miss - Top Of 2nd
M. Stevenson struck out swinging (2-2 BSBFS).
S. Sikes popped up to 3b, bunt (0-0).
A. Furbush struck out swinging (2-2 BBKKS).
Auburn - Bottom Of 2nd
B. Ellis homered down the lf line, RBI.
D. Bryant singled to center field (0-2 FS).
A. Godwin homered to left field, 2 RBI (2-1 BFB); D. Bryant scored.
A. Furbush to rf.
M. Klietherm to p for N. Jones.
M. Packer fouled out to 1b (1-1 KB).
N. Peralta struck out swinging (2-2 BKSBS).
McCondichie grounded out to 2b (2-2 BBKS).
Ole Miss - Top Of 3rd
P. Smith homered down the lf line, RBI (0-0).
K. Kamoku grounded out to p (2-2 KFBB).
J. Mackay grounded out to 2b (2-0 BB).
T. Whitley grounded out to 2b (0-1 K).
Auburn - Bottom Of 3rd
L. Garcia struck out swinging (2-2 BFBKFS).
K. McCrary walked (3-2 BBFBFB).
Ken. Cooper pinch ran for K. McCrary.
A. Lisenby homered to left field, 2 RBI (3-2 BFBBF); Ken. Cooper scored.
B. Ellis walked (3-1 BBBKB).
S. Elkins pinch ran for B. Ellis.
D. Bryant homered to left center, 2 RBI (1-0 B); S. Elkins scored.
G. Sparks to p for M. Klietherm.
A. Godwin struck out swinging (3-2 KBBBSS).
M. Packer grounded out to p (0-2 FFF).
Ole Miss - Top Of 4th
B. Ellis to 1b for Ken. Cooper.
K. McCrary to rf for S. Elkins.
M. Allee out at first 1b to 2b, bunt (0-1 F).
J. Lassiter walked (3-2 BFBFFFFBFB).
M. Stevenson struck out swinging (1-2 SKBS); J. Lassiter stole second.
S. Sikes flied out to cf (1-1 BK).
Auburn - Bottom Of 4th
N. Peralta singled to right field (3-2 BKSBFB).
R. Roach pinch ran for N. Peralta.
McCondichie out at first 1b to 2b (0-1 F); R. Roach advanced to second.
L. Garcia grounded out to ss (0-1 F); R. Roach advanced to third.
K. McCrary grounded out to ss (1-1 KB).
Ole Miss - Top Of 5th
N. Peralta to ss for R. Roach.
A. Furbush struck out swinging (2-2 KBKFBS).
P. Smith struck out swinging (3-2 BKBBKS).
K. Kamoku struck out swinging (2-2 BKBKS).
Auburn - Bottom Of 5th
A. Lisenby walked (3-1 FBBBB).
A. Smith pinch ran for A. Lisenby.
B. Ellis singled to left field (1-1 KB); A. Smith advanced to second.
D. Bryant grounded out to ss (0-2 SS); B. Ellis advanced to second; A. Smith advanced to third.
A. Godwin struck out swinging (0-2 FSS).
J. Blaine pinch hit for M. Packer.
B. Ellis advanced to third on a wild pitch; A. Smith scored on a wild pitch.
J. Blaine lined out to rf (1-0 B).
Ole Miss - Top Of 6th
I. Tresvik to lf for L. Garcia.
K. McCrary to dp.
A. Smith to rf.
M. Packer to cf for J. Blaine.
J. Mackay hit by pitch.
T. Grisham pinch ran for J. Mackay.
T. Whitley singled through the right side (1-2 KKBFF); T. Grisham advanced to second.
M. Allee walked (3-0 BBBB); T. Whitley advanced to second; T. Grisham advanced to third.
T. Malvin pinch ran for M. Allee.
J. Lassiter infield fly to 3b (2-2 BKKB).
T. Malvin advanced to second on a passed ball; T. Whitley advanced to third on a passed ball; T. Grisham scored on a passed ball, unearned.
M. Stevenson struck out swinging (1-2 FBSFS).
S. Sikes popped up to ss (0-1 K).
Auburn - Bottom Of 6th
M. Allee to ss for T. Malvin.
L. Brady to c for T. Grisham.
N. Peralta singled up the middle (0-2 KSFF).
McCondichie struck out swinging (0-2 FFFS).
I. Tresvik reached on a fielder's choice; N. Peralta out at second 2b unassisted.
K. McCrary hit by pitch; I. Tresvik advanced to second.
A. Smith flied out to cf (0-1 F).
Ole Miss - Top Of 7th
A. Furbush flied out to lf.
P. Smith struck out swinging (2-2 BSBFFS).