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The Official Website of the Southeastern Conference

Box Score - Apr 1, 2023

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Fayetteville, Arkansas

Batting Lineup
N. Shelton, 3B400001.319
W. Portera, 3B
W. Hodo, DH500004.313
A. Pinckney, CF412110.364
D. Williamson, 1B503101.385
E. Johnson, 2B312010.349
B. Eblin, 2B
J. Jarvis, SS522100.306
D. Tamez, C312100.295
M. Guscette, C
W. Hamiter, RF501101.333
T. Seidl, LF413001.397
Batting Lineup
T. Josenberger, CF423200.355
P. Stovall, 2B400001.309
J. Wegner, LF301012.359
J. Bohrofen, RF222220.413
K. Digs, DH321311.366
C. Cali, 3B411200.238
R. Robinett, 1B200002.316
B. Slavens, 1B
P. Rowland, C311012.231
J. Bolton, SS200002.164
H. Coll, SS
L. Holman5.1344281203.07
R. Quick0.222221064.76
K. Woods (L)1.043311275.40
Z. Probst1.010001030.84
W. McEntire3.1744031175.77
D. Carter2.1300120104.15
C. Adcock0.100001015.40
H. Smith (W)3.0522131162.81
Play By Play
Alabama - Top Of 1st
Shelton grounded out to 2b (0-0).
Hodo struck out swinging (2-2 BFBFS).
Pinckney singled to shortstop (0-2 KS).
Williamson struck out swinging (2-2 BKKBS).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 1st
Josenberger flied out to cf (3-2 KKBBBFF).
Stovall popped up to ss (0-1 K).
Wegner struck out swinging (2-2 FBSBS).
Alabama - Top Of 2nd
Johnson grounded out to ss (1-1 BF).
Jarvis homered to right field, RBI (2-0 BB).
Tamez grounded out to 3b (2-2 KSBB).
Hamiter grounded out to 2b (3-1 KBBB).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 2nd
Bohrofen walked (3-1 BBKBB).
Diggs grounded into double play ss to 1b (1-1 BK); Bohrofen out on the play.
Cali lined out to lf (0-2 SK).
Alabama - Top Of 3rd
Seidl doubled to left field (2-0 BB).
Shelton flied out to lf (0-2 FS).
Hodo struck out looking (2-2 FKBFBFK).
Pinckney flied out to rf (0-1 S).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 3rd
Robinett struck out swinging (1-2 BSKS).
Rowland struck out looking (2-2 FKBFBK).
Bolton struck out looking (0-2 KKK).
Alabama - Top Of 4th
Williamson grounded out to p (1-2 KKB).
Johnson singled to left center (0-1 S).
Jarvis doubled down the rf line (0-0); Johnson advanced to third.
Tamez singled to left field, RBI (0-0); Jarvis advanced to third; Johnson scored.
Tamez advanced to second on a wild pitch; Jarvis scored on a wild pitch.
Hamiter doubled down the rf line, RBI (1-0 B); Tamez scored.
Carter to p for McEntire.
Seidl struck out swinging (2-2 BBSFFFS).
Shelton lined out to 1b (0-0).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 4th
Josenberger doubled to right field (1-0 B).
Stovall popped up to ss (3-2 BKBBS).
Wegner struck out swinging (2-2 BBKFS).
Bohrofen walked (3-1 BBBKB).
Diggs homered to center field, 3 RBI (2-2 KBBF); Bohrofen scored; Josenberger scored.
Cali grounded out to 2b (0-1 F).
Alabama - Top Of 5th
Hodo struck out looking (2-2 KBBKK).
Pinckney grounded out to 3b (1-0 B).
Williamson singled to shortstop (0-0).
Johnson walked (3-2 BBFFBB); Williamson advanced to second.
Jarvis lined out to cf (2-0 BB).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 5th
Robinett struck out swinging (0-2 KKS).
Rowland struck out swinging (1-2 FSBS).
Bolton struck out swinging (1-2 KKBS).
Alabama - Top Of 6th
Tamez singled to center field (0-1 F).
Hamiter lined into double play cf to ss to 1b (1-0 B); Tamez out on the play.
Seidl singled to third base, bunt (0-0).
Adcock to p for Carter.
Seidl stole second.
Shelton struck out swinging (3-2 FBFBBS).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 6th
Josenberger singled to third base (1-1 BK).
Josenberger stole second.
Stovall flied out to rf (2-2 KBFB); Josenberger advanced to third.
Quick to p for Holman.
Wegner walked (3-0 BBBB).
Bohrofen singled through the right side, RBI (0-0); Wegner advanced to third; Josenberger scored.
Diggs struck out looking (1-2 BKFK).
Cali grounded out to ss (2-2 BKBS).
Alabama - Top Of 7th
Smith to p for Adcock.
Slavens to 1b for Robinett.
Hodo struck out swinging (1-2 KFBS).
Pinckney homered to left center, RBI (0-0).
Williamson singled to shortstop (1-2 KKB).
Johnson singled to left field (0-0); Williamson advanced to second.
Jarvis lined out to lf (2-2 SSBB).
Tamez hit by pitch (0-0); Johnson advanced to second; Williamson advanced to third.
Hamiter flied out to rf (1-2 BSSFFF).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 7th
Eblin to 2b for Johnson.
Portera to 3b for Shelton.
Guscette to c for Tamez.
Slavens singled to left field (0-0).
Rowland walked (3-2 BSBBSB); Slavens advanced to second.
Woods to p for Quick.
Bolton grounded out to p, bunt, SAC (1-1 BF); Rowland advanced to second; Slavens advanced to third.
Josenberger doubled down the rf line, 2 RBI (2-2 KFBB); Rowland scored; Slavens scored.
Stovall struck out looking (2-2 KFBBK).
Wegner singled to shortstop (0-1 K); Josenberger advanced to third, out at home ss to c.
Alabama - Top Of 8th
Seidl singled up the middle (1-2 BSSF).
Portera grounded out to 1b unassisted, bunt, SAC (0-0); Seidl advanced to second.
Hodo grounded out to 1b unassisted (0-1 K); Seidl advanced to third.
Pinckney intentionally walked (1-0 B).
Williamson singled to left field, advanced to second on the throw, RBI (1-0 B); Pinckney advanced to third; Seidl scored.
Eblin grounded out to 2b (0-0).
Arkansas - Bottom Of 8th
Bohrofen homered to right field, RBI (0-2 KK).
Diggs walked (3-0 BBBB).
Diggs advanced to second on a throwing error by p.
Cali homered to left field, 2 RBI (1-2 BSKF); Diggs scored.
Probst to p for Woods.
Slavens lined out to 1b (0-1 F).
Rowland singled to right field (1-2 KKBF).
Coll pinch hit for Bolton.
Coll struck out swinging (3-2 BBBKFS); Rowland out at second c to ss, caught stealing.
Alabama - Top Of 9th
Coll to ss.
Jarvis out at first 1b to p (3-2 BKBKB).
Guscette struck out swinging (1-2 KSBS).
Hamiter struck out looking (3-2 BFBBKK).