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The Official Website of the Southeastern Conference

Box Score - Sep 3, 2023

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Game Stats
T. Landfair8634.059226011
M. Wucherer9428.179202110
L. Grote4315.06720106
P. Awoleye318.25040005
J. Hanson3012.25010304
C. Minatee218.12520003
M. Shaffmaster205.400009182
L. Crowl106.16700101
K. Murr000.000001930
E. Mcghie000.00000480
Game Stats
K. Martin15437.297117017
A. Dixon8319.26320209
A. Fitzpatrick7228.17911319
S. Victoria7518.11120508
A. Stucky506.8331011326
G. Essix439.11120015
T. Adams000.000011211
E. Canaan000.00000620
E. Mckissock000.000001570
Scoring Plays
1st Set
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).01
[Dixon, Anna] Attack error by Victoria, Sofia (from Canaan, Emily).11
[Landfair, Taylor] Bad set by McKissock, Elli.21
[Landfair, Taylor] Kill by Stucky, Alexis (from Canaan, Emily).22
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Grote, Lydia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).32
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).33
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Grote, Lydia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).43
[Grote, Lydia] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from McKissock, Elli).44
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Awoleye, Phoebe (from Shaffmaster, Melani).54
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Service error.55
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Stucky, Alexis (from McKissock, Elli).56
[Martin, Kennedy] Service error.66
[McGhie, Elise] Service error.67
[Canaan, Emily] Service error.77
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).78
[Dixon, Anna] Kill by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).79
[Dixon, Anna] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Canaan, Emily).710
[Dixon, Anna] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (block by Victoria, Sofia; Essix, Gabbi).711
[Dixon, Anna] Attack error by Grote, Lydia (from Landfair, Taylor).712
[Dixon, Anna] Service error.812
[Landfair, Taylor] Service error.813
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Minatee, Calissa (from Shaffmaster, Melani).913
[Murr, Kylie] Attack error by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).914
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from Stucky, Alexis).915
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1015
[Grote, Lydia] Attack error by Martin, Kennedy (block by Wucherer, Mckenna; Awoleye, Phoebe).1115
[Grote, Lydia] Service error.1116
[McKissock, Elli] Attack error by Awoleye, Phoebe (block by Fitzpatrick, AC).1117
[McKissock, Elli] Service error.1217
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Service error.1218
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from Stucky, Alexis).1219
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Awoleye, Phoebe (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1319
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (block by Dixon, Anna; Stucky, Alexis).1320
[Canaan, Emily] Service error.1420
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Attack error by Grote, Lydia (block by Victoria, Sofia; Dixon, Anna).1421
[Dixon, Anna] Attack error by Dixon, Anna.1521
[Landfair, Taylor] Attack error by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).1621
[Landfair, Taylor] Service ace (Victoria, Sofia).1721
[Landfair, Taylor] Attack error by Victoria, Sofia (block by Grote, Lydia).1821
[Landfair, Taylor] Service ace (Victoria, Sofia).1921
[Landfair, Taylor] Attack error by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).2021
[Landfair, Taylor] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (from Shaffmaster, Melani).2022
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).2023
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani), block error by Martin, Kennedy.2123
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).2124
[Adams, Trinity] Attack error by Fitzpatrick, AC (block by Grote, Lydia; Awoleye, Phoebe).2224
[Hanson, Julia] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).2225
2nd Set
[Canaan, Emily] Attack error by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Grote, Lydia).01
[Canaan, Emily] Service error.11
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Stucky, Alexis (from Essix, Gabbi).12
[Dixon, Anna] Kill by Grote, Lydia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).22
[Grote, Lydia] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).23
[Stucky, Alexis] Attack error by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Murr, Kylie).24
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Awoleye, Phoebe (from Shaffmaster, Melani).34
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).35
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from Murr, Kylie).45
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).55
[McGhie, Elise] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from Shaffmaster, Melani).65
[McGhie, Elise] Service error.66
[Essix, Gabbi] Kill by Shaffmaster, Melani.76
[Minatee, Calissa] Service error.77
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from McKissock, Elli).78
[McKissock, Elli] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (from Shaffmaster, Melani).79
[McKissock, Elli] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (from Shaffmaster, Melani).710
[McKissock, Elli] Attack error by Minatee, Calissa (from Shaffmaster, Melani).711
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from Shaffmaster, Melani).811
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Grote, Lydia (from Murr, Kylie), block error by Fitzpatrick, AC.911
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).912
[Martin, Kennedy] Attack error by Grote, Lydia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).913
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).914
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Minatee, Calissa (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1014
[Landfair, Taylor] Kill by Stucky, Alexis (from Stucky, Alexis).1015
[Fitzpatrick, AC] Service ace (Team).1016
[Fitzpatrick, AC] Kill by Crowl, Lauren (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1116
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).1117
[Dixon, Anna] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1217
[Hanson, Julia] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).1218
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1318
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Kill by Shaffmaster, Melani (from Wucherer, Mckenna).1418
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Service error.1419
[Adams, Trinity] Service ace (Murr, Kylie).1420
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Hanson, Julia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1520
[McGhie, Elise] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from Stucky, Alexis).1521
[McKissock, Elli] Attack error by Landfair, Taylor (from Murr, Kylie).1522
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Hanson, Julia (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1622
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from Stucky, Alexis).1623
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).1624
[Martin, Kennedy] Service error.1724
[Landfair, Taylor] Attack error by Fitzpatrick, AC (from Stucky, Alexis).1824
[Landfair, Taylor] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).1825
3rd Set
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).01
[Fitzpatrick, AC] Service error.11
[Landfair, Taylor] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from Stucky, Alexis).12
[Dixon, Anna] Attack error by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).22
[Minatee, Calissa] Kill by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).23
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).24
[Stucky, Alexis] Attack error by Wucherer, Mckenna (block by Martin, Kennedy; Essix, Gabbi).25
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).35
[McGhie, Elise] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).36
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Fitzpatrick, AC).37
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Murr, Kylie).47
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Kill by Hanson, Julia (from McGhie, Elise).57
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).58
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from McGhie, Elise).68
[Murr, Kylie] Bad set by Stucky, Alexis.78
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).79
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Dixon, Anna.710
[Martin, Kennedy] Bad set by McGhie, Elise.711
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Stucky, Alexis (from Adams, Trinity).712
[Martin, Kennedy] Bad set by McGhie, Elise.713
[Martin, Kennedy] Service ace (Wucherer, Mckenna).714
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from McGhie, Elise).814
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from McKissock, Elli).815
[Fitzpatrick, AC] Attack error by Victoria, Sofia (block by Minatee, Calissa; Landfair, Taylor).915
[Landfair, Taylor] Service error.916
[Dixon, Anna] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).917
[Dixon, Anna] Service error.1017
[Minatee, Calissa] Kill by Victoria, Sofia (from McKissock, Elli).1018
[Stucky, Alexis] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from Shaffmaster, Melani).1118
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).1218
[McGhie, Elise] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from McGhie, Elise).1318
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).1418
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Victoria, Sofia (block by Awoleye, Phoebe; Wucherer, Mckenna).1518
[McGhie, Elise] Attack error by Martin, Kennedy (block by Hanson, Julia; Awoleye, Phoebe).1618
[McGhie, Elise] Kill by Essix, Gabbi (from Stucky, Alexis).1619
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).1620
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from McKissock, Elli).1621
[Adams, Trinity] Kill by Wucherer, Mckenna (from McGhie, Elise).1721
[Wucherer, Mckenna] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).1722
[McKissock, Elli] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from McGhie, Elise).1822
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from McGhie, Elise).1922
[Murr, Kylie] Kill by Martin, Kennedy (from Stucky, Alexis).1923
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).1924
[Martin, Kennedy] Kill by Landfair, Taylor (from McGhie, Elise).2024
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Attack error by Dixon, Anna (from Stucky, Alexis).2124
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Attack error by Dixon, Anna (block by Landfair, Taylor; Minatee, Calissa).2224
[Shaffmaster, Melani] Kill by Fitzpatrick, AC (from McKissock, Elli).2225