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The Official Website of the Southeastern Conference

Box Score - Oct 1, 2023

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South Carolina19192520
Game Stats
K. Martin15438.289508118
S. Victoria13231.355304015
A. Fitzpatrick13325.400202214
A. Dixon6112.417712111
N. Okammor418.37560017
K. Muff3010.300221446
T. Adams000.00002402
E. Canaan000.00001311
E. Mckissock000.000011231
M. Gravlee000.00000000
Game Stats
R. Whitesides16541.268005016
K. Fletcher14426.385101015
L. Mccutcheon11529.207219014
O. Anadi7412.25020019
C. Paris7516.12520608
E. Ruprich118.00040014
M. Carter011-1.000011161
S. Floyd000.0000012200
H. Bissler000.00000000
A. Johnson000.00000000
C. Wilson000.000007250
South Carolina000.00000000
Scoring Plays
1st Set
[Trinity Adams] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).01
[Lauren McCutcheon] Attack error by AC Fitzpatrick.02
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).12
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).13
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).23
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson), block error by AC Fitzpatrick.24
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from AC Fitzpatrick).34
[Emily Canaan] Attack error by Riley Whitesides (block by Kennedy Muff; Anna Dixon).44
[Emily Canaan] Service error.45
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by Anna Dixon (from Kennedy Muff).55
[Anna Dixon] Attack error by Campbell Paris.65
[Anna Dixon] Attack error by Lauren McCutcheon.75
[Anna Dixon] Service error.76
[Ellie Ruprich] Kill by Kennedy Muff (from Elli McKissock).86
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).87
[Claire Wilson] Attack error by Lauren McCutcheon (block by Nnedi Okammor; Kennedy Martin).97
[Trinity Adams] Attack error by AC Fitzpatrick (block by Kiune Fletcher).98
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).99
[Lauren McCutcheon] Ball handling error by Kennedy Muff.910
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).1010
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).1011
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Kiune Fletcher.1012
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).1112
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).1212
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).1213
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Kennedy Muff (from AC Fitzpatrick).1313
[Emily Canaan] Service error.1314
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).1414
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).1514
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Kennedy Muff (from Nnedi Okammor).1614
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).1615
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Nnedi Okammor (from Kennedy Muff).1715
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Campbell Paris (block by Sofia Victoria; Nnedi Okammor).1815
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).1816
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).1916
[Trinity Adams] Service ace (Riley Whitesides).2016
[Trinity Adams] Service ace (TEAM).2116
[Trinity Adams] Service error.2117
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Nnedi Okammor (from Kennedy Muff).2217
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).2218
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Claire Wilson).2219
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).2319
[Kennedy Martin] Attack error by Kiune Fletcher.2419
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).2519
2nd Set
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Morgan Carter).01
[Claire Wilson] Service error.11
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Claire Wilson).12
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).22
[Kennedy Martin] Attack error by Oby Anadi (block by Anna Dixon).32
[Kennedy Martin] Bad set by Claire Wilson.42
[Kennedy Martin] Attack error by Oby Anadi.52
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).53
[Morgan Carter] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).63
[Emily Canaan] Attack error by Kiune Fletcher (block by Sofia Victoria; Anna Dixon).73
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Claire Wilson).74
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Anna Dixon (from Kennedy Muff).84
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Morgan Carter).85
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Morgan Carter).86
[Lauren McCutcheon] Attack error by Sofia Victoria (block by Ellie Ruprich; Campbell Paris).87
[Lauren McCutcheon] Attack error by Campbell Paris.97
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Nnedi Okammor (from Kennedy Muff).107
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).117
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).118
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).119
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).129
[Trinity Adams] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).1210
[Claire Wilson] Attack error by Riley Whitesides (block by Nnedi Okammor; Kennedy Martin).1310
[Elli McKissock] Attack error by Kiune Fletcher (block by AC Fitzpatrick; Anna Dixon).1410
[Elli McKissock] Service ace (Lauren McCutcheon).1510
[Elli McKissock] Attack error by Kiune Fletcher.1610
[Elli McKissock] Service error.1611
[Riley Whitesides] Service error.1711
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).1712
[Morgan Carter] Attack error by Anna Dixon (block by Lauren McCutcheon).1713
[Morgan Carter] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).1813
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Claire Wilson).1814
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Anna Dixon (from Kennedy Muff).1914
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).2014
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).2015
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Morgan Carter).2016
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).2017
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Emily Canaan).2117
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Morgan Carter.2217
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Riley Whitesides (block by Nnedi Okammor; Kennedy Martin).2317
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Campbell Paris (block by Sofia Victoria; Nnedi Okammor).2417
[Kennedy Muff] Service error.2418
[Hanna Bissler] Attack error by Kennedy Martin.2419
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).2519
3rd Set
[Trinity Adams] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).01
[Morgan Carter] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).11
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).12
[Sydney Floyd] Attack error by Kennedy Martin (block by Lauren McCutcheon; Ellie Ruprich).13
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Anna Dixon (from Kennedy Muff).23
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).24
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Anna Dixon (from Kennedy Muff).34
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Anna Dixon.44
[Emily Canaan] Service ace (TEAM).54
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).55
[Ellie Ruprich] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).65
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).66
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Claire Wilson).67
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Martin).77
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Oby Anadi.87
[Kennedy Muff] Service error.88
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by Oby Anadi.89
[Riley Whitesides] Service error.99
[Trinity Adams] Service error.910
[Morgan Carter] Service error.1010
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).1011
[Sydney Floyd] Attack error by AC Fitzpatrick.1012
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).1112
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).1212
[Kennedy Martin] Attack error by Ellie Ruprich (block by AC Fitzpatrick; Anna Dixon).1312
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).1313
[Lauren McCutcheon] Service error.1413
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).1414
[Ellie Ruprich] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Ellie Ruprich).1415
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Oby Anadi).1416
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).1516
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).1517
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Nnedi Okammor (from Kennedy Muff).1617
[Kennedy Muff] Service error.1618
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by Oby Anadi (from Claire Wilson).1619
[Riley Whitesides] Service error.1719
[Trinity Adams] Attack error by Oby Anadi (block by Nnedi Okammor; Kennedy Martin).1819
[Trinity Adams] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).1820
[Morgan Carter] Service error.1920
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).2020
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).2120
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).2121
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).2221
[Kennedy Martin] Attack error by Kennedy Martin (block by Ellie Ruprich).2222
[Lauren McCutcheon] Service ace (Trinity Adams).2223
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Ellie Ruprich.2224
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).2324
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).2325
4th Set
[Riley Whitesides] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).10
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Claire Wilson).11
[Morgan Carter] Attack error by Lauren McCutcheon (block by Kennedy Martin; Anna Dixon).21
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).31
[Kennedy Martin] Service error.32
[Sydney Floyd] Attack error by Lauren McCutcheon (block by Kennedy Muff; Anna Dixon).42
[Emily Canaan] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Sydney Floyd).43
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).53
[Anna Dixon] Service ace (Riley Whitesides).63
[Anna Dixon] Attack error by Riley Whitesides.73
[Anna Dixon] Attack error by Campbell Paris.83
[Anna Dixon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).84
[Hanna Bissler] Service error.94
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Elli McKissock).104
[Kennedy Muff] Service ace (Riley Whitesides).114
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).124
[Kennedy Muff] Service ace (TEAM).134
[Kennedy Muff] Attack error by Riley Whitesides.144
[Kennedy Muff] Service error.145
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).146
[Claire Wilson] Service error.156
[Trinity Adams] Attack error by Nnedi Okammor (block by Oby Anadi).157
[Alayna Johnson] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).167
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson).168
[Morgan Carter] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Kennedy Muff).178
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by Lauren McCutcheon (from Claire Wilson).179
[Sydney Floyd] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).189
[Emily Canaan] Attack error by Lauren McCutcheon.199
[Emily Canaan] Service error.1910
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Morgan Carter).1911
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).1912
[Lauren McCutcheon] Attack error by Kennedy Martin (block by Ellie Ruprich).1913
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Campbell Paris (from Sydney Floyd).1914
[Lauren McCutcheon] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Anna Dixon).2014
[Anna Dixon] Service error.2015
[Hanna Bissler] Attack error by Sofia Victoria (block by Oby Anadi; Campbell Paris).2016
[Hanna Bissler] Kill by Sofia Victoria (from Kennedy Muff).2116
[Kennedy Muff] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Sydney Floyd).2117
[Claire Wilson] Kill by Kennedy Martin (from Kennedy Muff).2217
[Trinity Adams] Kill by Riley Whitesides (from Morgan Carter).2218
[Riley Whitesides] Service error.2318
[Elli McKissock] Kill by Kiune Fletcher (from Claire Wilson), block error by Anna Dixon.2319
[Morgan Carter] Service ace (TEAM).2320
[Morgan Carter] Service error.2420
[Kennedy Martin] Kill by AC Fitzpatrick (from Elli McKissock).2520